Wednesday 15 August 2012


I've re-joined the West Yorkshire Print Workshop recently; feels funny being back there, given I worked there for so long and at one time it was almost like a second home! Nice though, and everything reassuringly just as it was. Thanks to Kate Desforges, the technician, for her helpful advice - on my second visit (I've been in twice over the past fortnight, and am booked for next Tuesday too) and it's all starting to make sense to me again.
The screenprints are three colours and ideally would all look like this:

In reality there are about six out of twelve that I'm happy with: not bad considering I'm so out of practice! I'm sure the ratio of good to bad will improve the more I do.

I'm entering work for the 20:20 print exchange, so my next prints will be for that ... possibly a hydrangea drawing just to give myself a different sort of challenge.

I'm participating in HOST, the Kirklees open studio trail ( again this year. I'll be at Batley Art Gallery on Saturday 8th September, 11am to 4pm, hopefully with some new work to show! In the meantime, there are a couple of showcase exhibitions: one at the Lawrence Batley Theatre ( in which I'm showing a 'Spider' sculpture; and one which I helped to hang, at the train station concourse in Huddersfield, in which I'm showing a painting (see below).

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